Why am I getting an error when I try to add my VIN and enroll in Autocharge+?

At times, our users experience errors when enrolling in Autocharge+. Those errors are usually very specific to the vehicle - depending on your needs, you may see some of the below:

  • VIN in use error
    • Is your EV a used vehicle? Whether it was recently purchased or a rental, the EVgo app will not allow Autocharge+ enrollment for the same vehicle in more than one account. It's possible that whoever last drove or owned the vehicle has an EVgo account and forgot to unenroll the vehicle from their account.
    • Use this link to submit a form to the EVgo Charging Crew - the team will look more closely into the issue and add your vehicle to your account, removing it from any incorrect accounts as needed.
  • VIN not available error
    • Is your vehicle model fresh on the EV market? While we do our best to research and add all new EV models into our app well before our customers can drive them, we don't always catch them all!
    • Use this link to submit a form to the EVgo Charging Crew, who can ensure your vehicle model is added to our system and your account!
  • Generic Error - won't accept the VIN entered
    • Double-check that the VIN was scanned/entered correctly. All VINs are 17 characters and include a specific alphanumeric string identifying your vehicle. Our system checks for the specific criteria to ensure that the correct VIN is added each time. 


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