I'm getting a payment method error when I try to start charging - what can I do?

You are required to have a valid payment method on file to start a charge through your EVgo account - whether using the EVgo app, your RFID program card, or calling the EVgo Charging Crew for a remote start.

If you need to add or update a payment method, you'll need to do so within your payment settings (skip to our full instructions below for updating a payment method). After you've updated the payment method in your account, the EVgo app will automatically work to process the new payment method and initiate a charge.

If your payment method is up-to-date in your account and you have any issues starting a charge, then please call the EVgo Charging Crew!

If you use the credit card reader at the station, your charge will not be tied to your EVgo account and you will not utilize the full benefits of your EVgo account for that charging session.

The team is available 24/7, 365 days a year at 877-494-3833. They will be able to determine the issue and help you start a charge that is tied to your EVgo account.


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EVgo Charging Crew: 877-494-3833
Available 24/7, 365 days a year