Monitor your charge in the EVgo app

After you have started a charging session using your EVgo account, you'll be able to monitor the charging session from the EVgo app. Go ahead and run errands or even see a movie while your EV is charging - you'll be able to check on your session at any time!


If you need additional assistance during your charging session, feel free to check out our Charging Session FAQs or contact the EVgo Charging Crew at 877-494-3833. Our Call Center team is available to support you 24/7, 365 days a year. 


Charge monitor screen.png


Locate the charge monitoring screen

If you start a charging session from the EVgo app, the charge monitoring screen will appear as soon as the charging session has been initiated successfully. If you want to check on your session after closing the app or starting a charge with your RFID program card, you can find it on the main menu:

  1. From the landing page, tap the menu icon () in the top left
  2. Select Charge in Progress at the bottom of the main menu panel

Charge in Progress will only appear in the main menu if there is an active charging session in your EVgo account.

App - charge monitor location.jpeg


Understand the session details for your review

During a charging session, you can always monitor a few key details of your charging session. If you're ever uncertain about what some of the data might mean, look for the information icon. 

When you tap the information icon, a pop-up will provide additional detail on what the data represents.

App charge monitor - info icon.png  >  App charge monitor - info pop up example.png



Session Timer

You can always review how long your vehicle has been charging at the top of the charge monitoring screen. For fast charging sessions, you will also see the session limit alongside your session timer. 

App charge monitor - session timer.png

Fast charger session limit: Your charging session will stop automatically if the battery is full or you reach the charging session limit, which is usually 120 minutes. 


If you're using a fast charger, we recommend keeping an eye on this timer, especially in a high-traffic area. Other drivers may need to use the fast charger. While we do not condone removing the connector from another driver's vehicle, we cannot prevent someone from removing a connector from your vehicle if a session has ended and the connector is not locked in place.


Charging progress

The charge monitor screen will default to showing your vehicle's State of Charge, or battery level, to demonstrate charge progress. You can also swipe to see a graph of the charging power over the course of your charging session. 

App charge monitor - charging progress.png



What's a Charge Curve?

The amount of power your vehicle can receive is dictated by its Charge Curve, which is a graph that shows the maximum power that can be delivered to the battery at any given State of Charge. Each EV has a different Charge Curve. We encourage you to check your owner's manual or search the web for your vehicle's Charge Curve to better understand your EV's charging capabilities. 



Dynamic session data

Some data, such as estimated cost or kW output, will update live on the charge monitor screen. Please know that this data can sometimes take a moment to load if you're comparing the charge monitor in your EVgo app to the screen on the charger itself.

App charge monitor - dynamic session data.png


Charger name and general session information

You can always confirm quick details about your charging session at the bottom of the charge monitoring screen. 


App charge monitor - name + session info.png



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