General EVgo app troubleshooting steps

While we take great pride in our app, sometimes bugs happen! If you ever experience any issues with login, loading, starting a charge, etc. please be sure to check the following:

  1. Ensure you're using the most current version of the EVgo app
  2. Ensure your device is updated
  3. Log out and log back into the EVgo app
    • It may help to log out and fully close the app before logging back in
  4. Fully close the EVgo app (be sure it's not running in the background)
  5. Reboot your device by turning it off and back on again
    • From Apple support: Restart your iPhone
    • For Android: Please check with the manufacturer of your device
  6. Uninstall/reinstall EVgo app
  7. Check out some of our tips for specific issues:

If all else fails to resolve the issue, contact us for support!

Please contact the EVgo Charging Crew if you have any other questions or need additional support! If you need to report an issue with the EVgo app, please submit a request to the EVgo Charging Crew. By using this form, our team dedicated to app issues can help to quickly streamline and escalate any app-related matters.

The EVgo Charging Crew agents who answer our calls may be able to help with some urgent issues, such as password resets or QR code support. If you have an urgent issue, the EVgo Charging Crew is available by phone 24/7, 365 days a year at 877-494-3833.

Please know that our team answering the phones may be limited in the support they can provide; if a matter requires escalation, they will direct you to our App issue form or help to complete the form on your behalf.


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EVgo Charging Crew: 877-494-3833
Available 24/7, 365 days a year