What different types of EV charging does EVgo offer?

EVgo supports charging for Battery Electric Vehicle (BEVs) and Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PHEVs). More on unsupported charging. Within our network, drivers can find stations that support any of the below:



Learn more about EVs supported by EVgo 

If you're unsure whether your vehicle is supported, you can check here for your car and its charger! https://www.evgo.com/ev-drivers/types-of-evs/ 

Reminder: Each EVgo station is a little bit different! Some locations may support multiple types of charging with multiple connector types while others may only support one of the charging methods that our network offers. Please be sure to use appropriate filters when searching the EVgo network to ensure you find a location that meets your needs every time. 

You can check out the EVgo map to find a location or station type near you: https://www.evgo.com/find-a-charger/ 


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