Edit your name and phone number

You can review or update your personal details, like the name and phone number associated with your EVgo account. Select the platform you're using below for more information:


If you need additional assistance with updating your profile details, feel free to check out our EVgo Account FAQs or submit a request to the EVgo Charging Crew. The team is committed to answering all requests within a business day.



Update your name and phone number on the EVgo app

    1. From the landing page, tap the menu icon () in the top left
    2. Select Profile within the menu panel
    3. From Your Profile Screen, tap:
      • Name to edit your first and last name
      • Phone Number to edit the mobile number tied to your EVgo account
        • Note: After a new number is added, we'll text you to confirm your number.
    4. Tap Save at the top right when you've finished your edits



Update your name and phone number on the web (account.evgo.com)

  1. In the upper right corner of the screen, select Profile
  2. From Personal Info page, you can edit:
    • First Name and Last Name
    • Phone Number
    • Gender (optional)
    • Whether you'd like to receive marketing notifications (optional)
  3. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page



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