Access a receipt

You can easily obtain a receipt for any transaction available in the Transactions section of your EVgo account. Your EVgo account maintains an active record of all transactions that you tie to your account.

Important noteabout one-time payments: 
Receipts are available for any transaction completed using your EVgo account. If you started a charge with a credit card at the charging station, the transaction is not tied to your EVgo account. We cannot provide receipts for these transactions as they are completed with a third-party payment provider. 

We always recommend using an EVgo account to execute any transaction to ensure you have a robust transaction and receipt history on your account. If you require proof of purchase for any transaction outside your account, we recommend using records from your bank statement.


Access a receipt in the EVgo app

  1. Tap the menu icon () in the top left of the landing page
  2. Select Payment & Billing within the Main Menu panel
  3. Select Transactions
  4. Locate and select the transaction for which you need a receipt
    • By default, your account shows transactions from the last 30 days.
    • You can filter the date range of your transactions if it was not a more recent transaction.
  5. Take a screenshot from the Receipt screen





Need more support?

If you need additional assistance obtaining a receipt, Submit a request to the EVgo Charging Crew. The team is committed to answering all requests within a business day.

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